I have created a blog to document
my Foundation Diploma in Art & Design (Fine Art) FMP (final major project).
As you know the title to my FMP is 'Temporary and Intangible matter, Space and
their Boundaries'... Firstly i want to explain my project concept;
Within my
work i intend to consider the significances between temporary and intangible
matter, space and their boundaries. How could something with no physical
presence have the ability to affect us, our feelings, perception and our
environment? And what is the relationship between a person in a space and the
temporary and intangible matter? Ways, in
which this matter may be used to sculpt and shape space, creating evocative
environments and sensory works that visually or acoustically stimulate viewers.
How motion (walking, jumping, waving and change in position in any way) could
modify the temporary forms, such as light and sound, or even consider how the
intangible activities could be built up within a space, almost as layered
gestures. What would happen if these layers were demonstrated in a visible way
and/or even pealed back? How temporary, intangible material may perhaps be
documented and demonstrated visually.
Throughout this process I will also
research using the library and internet, websites and books which I have quoted
in my bibliography, as well as visiting galleries, such as the Light Show at
the Hayward Gallery, as a tool to inform my investigation to suggest further
direction. I intend to experiment with a wide range of media, materials,
techniques and skill I have enquired and experimented with in the first six
units of the course. Such as light sources, glass, sounds, mirrors,
installations, 3D, drawing, film and recording devices. I will experiment with
these to prompt further direction and understanding in my investigation
considering the significances between temporary and intangible matter, space
and their boundaries.